NEWS INFORMATION“印度ComVac印度2022刚刚结束,但我们已经可以自豪地说,我们被展会的成功征服了。大量的人对我们的产品感兴趣,这表明印度在压缩空气领域最重要的工业和技术贸易展览会代表了世界新兴地区之一对此类产品日益增长的需求。我们要感谢所有的访客和新客户对我们压缩空气产品的兴趣和对我们团队的信任。整个CS INSTRUMENTS团队已经期待着帮助塑造不断增长的印度压缩机和压缩空气技术市场,以气候中性,可持续的方式,当然也为我们未来的客户带来利润。"
India ComVac India 2022 has just closed its doors, but we can already proudly say that we are overwhelmed by the success of the show. The large number of people interested in our products shows that India's most important industrial and technology trade fair in the field of compressed air perfectly represented the growing demand for such products in one of the world's emerging regions.
We would like to thank all visitors and new customers for their interest in our compressed air products and trust in our team. The whole CS INSTRUMENTS team is already looking forward to helping shape the growing Indian market for compressors and compressed air technology in a climate-neutral, sustainable and of course profitable way for our future customers.
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